HBC - Haydon Building Corp
HBC stands for Haydon Building Corp
Here you will find, what does HBC stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Haydon Building Corp? Haydon Building Corp can be abbreviated as HBC What does HBC stand for? HBC stands for Haydon Building Corp. What does Haydon Building Corp mean?The United States based company is located in Phoenix, Arizona engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of HBC
- H S B C Holdings, P. L. C.
- Hit By Car
- Historically Black College
- Hepatitis B Coalition
- Hebron Baptist Church
- Homes for Black Children
- Here Before The Company
- Hudson Bay Company
View 143 other definitions of HBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HDY Henry Davis York
- HFCS Holy Family Catholic Schools
- HAES High Arctic Energy Services
- HMCL Hammond Manufacturing Co. Ltd
- HVB Hudson Valley Bank
- HRHPM Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis
- HWGC The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
- HBPS HB Performance Systems
- HAB Hotel Arts Barcelona
- HCC Haywood Community College
- HBC Heritage Baptist Church
- HCM Hope Construction Materials
- HHIB Hyundai Heavy Industries Brasil
- HSS Hotel Sahara Star
- HIL Hydro International Ltd
- HCVS Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions
- HPT Hub Parking Technology
- HITSL Highstreet IT Solutions LLC
- HCL Hubbell Canada Lp
- HTC Horry Telephone Cooperative